Tomorrow’s Leaders Are Here.

We leverage a mastery-based, student-centric approach to ensure all students thrive academically and personally. We partner with local organizations to provide wraparound support for students, families, and community members.

We are a proposed K-8 public community school in Nashville, TN.

Why Encompass?

When we take a one-size-fits-all, time-based approach, many students don’t master foundational skills in their early academic careers, which has a snowball effect.

As students progress through our public school system, proficiency rates decline.

We see this trend clearly in national assessments. According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), fewer 12th graders are performing at grade level than 8th graders are performing at grade level. And fewer 8th graders are performing at grade level than 4th graders.

It is time we shift away from a one-size-fits-all approach to learning and transform our schools to meet the needs of all students and not just some.

We believe schools should be built with parents, caregivers, and community members!

Click below to share your opinion, support, and express your interest in enrolling your students!